1. Young Attorneys & Law Students Committee:
Goal: In charge of throwing events that foster mentorship among the South Asian attorneys in San Diego, and events that promote the exposure of South Asian attorneys in law schools.
Responsibilities: Events can include Chai Chat with a prominent South Asian Attorney; Careers in Law; Mentorship program between new South Asian attorneys and more seasoned South Asian attorneys. This committee will keep up to date information on SALSA presidents of three law schools in San Diego. The committee will keep a yearly log of attorneys asked to speak at Chai Chats and their various responses. The committee will reach out to the South Asian community members to be part of the mentorship program, and keep a log of mentor-mentee pairings.
2. Member Recognition Committee:
Goal: In charge of helping San Diego South Asian attorneys shine bright and pave a path to the bench by supporting or nominating them for awards or highlighting their accomplishments on our website and social media outlets.
Responsibilities: Scoping out awards, locally and nationally, and nominating San Diego South Asian attorneys for awards based on their qualifications. Preparing information for communications committee to post on our website and social media outlets regarding the accomplishments of San Diego South Asian attorneys. Scope out or organize CLE classes or other events that would provide a good platform for them to speak, and reach out to qualified attorneys who may be interested. Keep a log of nominations to awards and attorneys contacted to speak and their responses.
3. Events & Fundraising Committee:
Goal: Support growth of SABA membership and work on fundraising for SABA events.
Responsibilities: Keep a log of our members. Update member contact information, as necessary. Keep an updated list of past & current event sponsors, how much money they donated, who the contact person was, and transition that information to his/her successor. Organize happy hour and other networking events. Ask Communications Committee to promote events and invite other diversity organizations.
4. Communications Committee:
Goal: Promote SABA San Diego events and information, and maintain contact with other diversity bar organizations.
Responsibilities: Keep our website and Facebook page up to date and relevant. Promote SABA events. Post highlights and pictures from the events. Highlight any news that effects the South Asian community in San Diego and nationally. Communicate about our events with other diversity bar organizations. Keep a log of other bar association contacts to support co-hosted events. Create a system where members are listed, can create their own profiles, and describe their areas of practice.
5. Endorsement & Scholarship Committee:
Goal: Promote the SABA and California Change Lawyers scholarships in collaboration with our Law Student Committee & Communications Committee. Review all scholarship applications. Gather scholarship winner’s biography, photo, and check to deliver the respective scholarships at the annual dinner and at the California Change Lawyers event in April. Keep a log of scholarship recipients.
Responsibilites: Review all endorsement requests through the course of the year. Vet candidates, and recommend endorsements to the Board.
6. Annual Gala Committee:
Goal: Annual Gala
Responsibilities: All tasks that come along with throwing a successful event: Location, food, drinks, entertainment, name tags, speaker, pamphlets, creating the itinerary for the night, emceeing the event. This committee will have all the information regarding the contact for the event location, food, alcohol, etc. Making sure past presidents of SABA are invited to the gala, and acknowledging those past presidents during the gala. Inviting and acknowledging judges and other dignitaries.